Tuesday, May 17, 2011


MsYanWu Jan, 28 2006 

My first assignment of making real posted FDC for the 6/3 50th Annv. of the UN Japanese Peace Bell 

在专题网上看别的邮友代办邮品看多了, 开始心痒痒 的, 也想着自己代办一些邮品. 以前单纯的收藏邮票时, 基本上跟其他世界各地的邮友是没有什么交集的, 顶多也是在邮票店里碰到, 寒喧一下. 怪不 得有人说过, 集邮是"a lonesome man's hobby". 这句话听起来有点道理, 虽然不一定赞同. 

After seeing so many of my fellow stamp collectors trying to help other collectors to get a real posted FDC, I wanted to do it myself too.  Back in the days, I was just collecting stamps, no covers and no interactions with other collectors.  At max, I would just engaged in brief conversation but nothing further.  Stamp collecting is "a lonesome man's hobby".  Well, make sense but hey no I am not by myself.  Yay. 

代办日 记:6/03 纪念封, 白封 已全部寄出!!! 代办过程还算顺利, 就是累了点, 呵呵, 因为卖邮票的柜台离盖戳的有点距离, 为了办得漂亮, 来 来回回跑了很多次.  办的4个钟头里, 碰到无数个中国同胞寄明信片回大陆.......到联合国一游. 呵呵.. 大家看到我一大堆封都很好奇的行注目礼哦!! 我 问过了, 纪念邮戳跟日戳不能同时盖.  所以要求日戳的朋友, 我都是直接把信封放进邮筒里, 收到信封的朋友请传上来看看, 我自己也没看过 噢.  纪念戳盖得非常的满意, 油墨很足, 邮局里的人盖得很仔细, 相信你们会喜欢的.  另外好消息....大家的地址都是手写..

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