Sunday, December 15, 2019

Singapore - Goldfishes

The printing method really compliments the subject well.  Beautiful design...

Saturday, December 14, 2019

85th Anniversay of Paperino Donald Duck in Italy

So cute...... So happy to receive this cover from Italy.  Total surprise also, very cute.  However, no plastic cover - I think because the envelope is too big.  Huge ugly 2nd postmarking with wave lines.  Doesn't matter, still cute and lovely cover for me.  Thanks Davide!!

Friday, November 29, 2019

Masha and the Bear - Russian oral folk story

Masha and the Bear is a Russian animated television series created by Oleg Kuzovkov.  The series is loosely based on the oral children's folk story of the same name. The show focuses on the adventures of a little girl named Masha and a fatherly bear that always keeps her from disasters - wiki

Cute covers from Russia!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

US Military Working Dogs

The covers were returned to me in a protective plastic envelope.  The postmarking was nicely done.  Very nice job USPS

Thursday, August 08, 2019

Germany 50th Annv. of Moon Landing

This is such a beautiful sheet!  You need to get the real thing.  Printing and gold foil is super! Gabi was not able to get the registered label on time so she mailed regular, glad it came out clean and no crazy pen marks.